Disability Law in Los Angeles, CA
At Trygstad, Schwab & Trygstad, we are committed to ensuring fair treatment for disabled employees and retirees in California. If you believe your rights are being compromised, our experienced disability attorneys can help you navigate the complexities of your case and pursue justice.
Understanding and asserting your rights can be challenging. Our team provides expert guidance to disabled individuals facing discrimination, denial of benefits, or lack of accommodations. With years of experience, we stand by your side to protect and advocate for your rights.
Asserting the rights of disabled employees who are denied employment, harrassed, terminated, denied reasonable accomodation, or otherwise discriminated against.
Ensuring employers engage in the interactive process and provide necessary adjustments, access, or equipment to enable employees with disabilities to perform at their best.
Assisting those whose employers fail to grant rights under the Family Medical Leave Act.
Challenging the denial of disability-related health, long-term care, or retirement benefits.
Representing clients who face termination, harassment, or discipline based on their disability. Defending against employers who give unfair references or withdraw job offers due to disability.
If you are a member of CalSTRS or CalPERS, securing disability retirement benefits can be complex. Our attorneys help clients successfully navigate the application and appeals processes to access the benefits they deserve, including health and death benefits. We ensure that the system provides what you are entitled to receive.
California's disability laws, such as the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), intersect with federal laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Our attorneys have extensive knowledge in these areas, helping you navigate your rights and secure fair treatment.
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